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Arthur Morris is a teacher at Fox Canyon. In the 90s, Arthur was not a protector of the Cookbook, but did help the protectors, Nöelle Jasper, RJ White and Caroline Palmer .


Mr. Morris has tanned skin and a shaved head. When he was younger, he had short, black hair.


Mr. Morris is strict and smart, as well as very intellectual, cerebral, and mature. When he finds Hannah's essay lacks depth, he gives her a C but tells her she can redo it if she goes to the museum to study for a new essay. He is smart as he figures out someone is cursing protectors, but assumes it is the three girls. He is mature as he tried to keep RJ, Noelle, and Caroline out of trouble. The group often relied on him to get good grades on tests and make sure everything goes right.  


Mr. Morris has been cursed twice. The first of which, he was cursed to stay away from the Quinn Home, but the girls were late when eating it, so they accidentally trapped Mr. Morris in the Quinn Home. The second time being when he is cursed to forget magic by Jill/Caroline Palmer.


  • Caroline - Caroline was Arthur's reckless friend who loved to break rules and be free, much in contrast to Arthur. However, the 2 got on very well. She even cooked Chameleon Cauliflower to completely change her appearance. But one day, Caroline asked him to help her cook a spell that makes her go into the future and see if she got into the ballet school she was auditioning for. However, the spell goes wrong and Caroline was stuck in the future, and Arthur felt like he had ruined her life. She comes back to the future, in the form of Jill, cursing everyone to forget about magic as she doesn't want anyone to suffer the same fate that she ended up with.
  • Noelle Jasper - Noelle was part of the trio of protectors that inherited the book when Becky Quinn, Kelly's Grandma, threw the book over the falls. The trio used it for their own deeds, but got along well with Arthur. He helped them break the Shut 'em up Shortcake spell they casted on RJ. The trio sold magic recipes in the bake sale, causing mischief in Lavender Heights. Influenced by the cookbook, Noelle later became a famous chef running the restaurant named Saphrön. The visitors of Saphrön were spelled under a Spell that made them love the food.
  • RJ White - RJ White was part of the trio of protectors that Arthur helped. Noelle, RJ, and Arthur were seen in a picture that was placed in the magic box that Becky Quinn was talking about.