Just Add Magic Wiki
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Mama P's was an important location and is visited in almost every episode of Just Add Magic. This is where the girls visit to get spices from the pantry, have meetings, and just hang out. The interior is painted a mahogany red, with many tapestries and multicolored shelves. A long table sits in the center with many black tables with chairs surrounding the

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Mama P's is an important location that is visited in almost every episode. The girls visit this area to get spices, to have meetings, or to just hang out. The interior is painted a deep mahogany red and there are many multicolored shelves racked with spices. The counter holds baked goods, and behind the counter is a small kitchen with more ingredients, an oven, and a stove. The secret pantry is also located in the kitchen. There are multiple tapestries adorning the walls and many ancient looking decorations. There is one long table in the center and many other circular black tables and chairs inside the restaurant.
