Just Add Magic Wiki

Sourd'Au is a very powerful and ancient recipe that is cooked by Cody Hamilton and Pierce Hamilton when they got the starter but the spell goes wrong and all the gold has been attracted to Pierce after he ate the recipe 5 times.



  • The Starter
  • 3 1/3 cups flour
  • 1 1/3 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon of Night Blooming Salt


  1. Mix Starter, flour, and salt together. Add 1 cup water, then more as needed to make a moist bread dough.
  2. Knead dough until thin and light.
  3. Place a baking sheet
  4. Slice an X shape in the top of the loaf with a very sharp knife or razor blade to allow the loaf to expand during baking without splitting in unexpected places.
  5. Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.


For each bite you take, neighbouring gold appears at your gate, but be warned of your fate; With each bite you devour more and more power comes to you by the end of 2 hours.